A bullet hell game made with Pico-8 in under a week. 

Swapping souls will allow you to dodge bullets while also clearing a path in the swapped direction at the cost of a soul. If your dropped soul survives, picking it back up increases health and dramatically increases score (by 2500).
Souls are earned every 10,000 points.

Surviving bullets +10
Surviving rays +100

Difficulties score multiplier:
Soft 'n squishy x0.75
Hurt me x1 (normal)
Death x2
What the actual fck x5

Move: ↑↓←→
Swap/back: X
Select: Z (for menus)

This was a fun little challenge for me to grab a brand new game engine and publish a game within a week. Due to time constraints unfortunately there is no audio (maybe for a future update). I'm really liking pico-8, reminds me of when I used to program in QB64 (a qbasic compiler).

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